Dr. Pier Albrecht M.D. Ph. D., French, born in 1962, in Marbella since 1995, is a Adviser Surgeon, specialising in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, registered at the General Medical Council of Malaga (Ilustre Colegio Oficial de medicos de Malaga) under number 29/07945. He also is an Expert Witness to the Court. The spanish Ministry of Education and Sciences has homologated his M.D and specialist degrees in 1997, paying tribute to a 16 year training, during which he has been studying medicine and surgery, and working in Europe in the fields of Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery, Laser and Anti-Aging Pharmaceutical Research.
He was trained in France in the Medical Schools of the Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg, Montpellier, Paris V and VI, and in Spain in the Department of Surgery in the School of Medicine of Salamanca University.
He was a Adviser at The Laser Clinic , Harley Street – London, and other places in Europe.
He has been trained for 5 years in Plastic Aesthetic Surgery, mostly with Associate Professor Marc Divaris from the St. Antoine School of Medicine, in the Pitié Salpetriere Hospital in Paris, and gave special attention to Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) in Guadalajara-Mexico with Professor Armando Gonzalez
Dr. Albrecht obtained the Superior Medical Degree for “Lasers and Plastic Surgery” from the Specialties Department of the School of Medicine RENE DESCARTES, of the Paris V University.
After he has been awarded a specialized studies title in “Advanced Surgery” by the “Department of Surgery” of the University of Salamanca, he published his six years research about “The Use of Lasers in Cutaneous Therapy and Plastic Aesthetic Surgery”.
He has been awarded the Ph.D. degree “Doctor in Medicine and Surgery” – Cum Laude – by the same University, that allowes him to teach and to carry out research programs.
Publications :
He has published articles about Plastic Surgery and about the relationship between anti-aging, antioxidants and the immune system, in French and international publications.Communications: Comparative use of Lasers in Cutaneous Therapy and Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery, These. Doc. Univ., Salamanca. 2001.
Utilisation des immuncomplexes dans le vieillissement de la peau. Congrès de la Société de Chirurgie Esthétique de Rio De Janeiro, Brésil 1994
·Intérêt du L.M.F en clinique. Salon de Dermatologie Pratique.Paris 1995
Dr. Albrecht is presently Senior Lecturer at the Medical School “Pierre et Marie Curie” of the University of Paris VI, for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Scalp with Associate Profesor Marc Divaris.He was an Inv. Profesor for the E.N.T. Specialists Academic Program in the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara in Mexico.
Scientific Societies:
He is an active member of the following Scientific Societies:
Former member of French Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (SOFCEP)
(AREDEP)Association for the Research in Aesthetic Dermatology and Plastic Surgery
(ESLAS). European SOciety for Laser Aesthetic Surgery.
(SEMAL). Spanish SOciety For Anti-ageing Medicine and Longevity.
(NYAS)New York Academy of Sciences
Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,
Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,
Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic